


How We Work

The 5 steps approach

We continuously evolve to match digital industry shifts and refine our methods to deliver exceptional web and mobile solutions. Tailoring our approach to each project’s unique needs, we ensure flexibility while adhering to a standardized process suitable for projects of varying scales.

  • Discover


    Each project comes with its unique set of objectives. To ensure optimal solutions for our clients, we kick off with a well-defined strategy. Our initial phase involves thorough documentation of project specifications, target audience, and desired functional outcomes.

  • Design


    The most exhilarating stage, both for us and our clients, is when ideas start materializing visually. This phase acts as a prototype for the final product, where each step is meticulously designed and interconnected to showcase the flow.

  • Develop


    In the development stage, our team transforms approved designs into functional components, ensuring adherence to coding standards and client specifications. Rigorous testing and client collaboration drive us to deliver robust, scalable solutions that exceed expectations.

  • Quality


    We prioritize quality. Our dedicated Quality Assurance team meticulously tests each aspect of the project to guarantee a flawless, user-friendly final product. We never compromise on excellence, ensuring every project meets our high standards before delivery.

  • Deploy


    At this stage, we launch the thoroughly tested project. However, it’s not the end; rather, it marks the beginning of a long-term partnership.

Our Methodologies

At Baltech, we pride ourselves on employing robust methodologies that ensure efficiency, reliability, and client satisfaction throughout the project lifecycle. From initial planning to final delivery, we adhere to agile principles, allowing for flexibility and adaptability to evolving requirements.


Agile methodology represents a dynamic paradigm in software development, prioritizing adaptability, collaboration, and responsiveness to change. This approach revolves around iterative development cycles, known as sprints, where multifunctional teams work together to deliver incremental improvements swiftly. By embracing this iterative process, teams can promptly address evolving user needs and incorporate feedback, ensuring alignment with business objectives. Agile fosters transparency and flexibility, enabling teams to adjust priorities and strategies iteratively. This iterative and collaborative ethos underlines the ethos of continuous improvement, facilitating the delivery of high-quality software solutions that exceed client expectations.


Scrum is an agile framework for managing software development, emphasizing iterative and incremental progress, collaboration, and flexibility. It operates in short cycles called sprints, typically lasting two to four weeks, where teams deliver potentially shippable increments of work. Scrum roles include the Product Owner, responsible for maximizing the value of the product, the Scrum Master, who facilitates the team and ensures adherence to Scrum principles, and the Development Team, which self-organizes to deliver the work. Daily stand-up meetings, sprint planning, review, and retrospective sessions promote transparency, inspection, and adaptation throughout the project. Scrum’s adaptive nature allows teams to respond quickly to changes, fostering continuous improvement and delivering higher-quality products more efficiently.


DevOps revolutionizes software development by merging development and operations into a seamless, collaborative process. It emphasizes automation, continuous integration, and continuous deployment, ensuring faster delivery cycles and improved reliability. By fostering a culture of collaboration and automation, DevOps enhances efficiency and enables teams to respond swiftly to market demands. With proactive monitoring and feedback mechanisms, DevOps ensures optimal performance and user satisfaction, driving continuous improvement and innovation in software development practices.


Waterfall methodology is a traditional sequential approach to software development, where each phase – requirement analysis, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance – follows a linear sequence. Unlike agile methodologies, waterfall emphasizes thorough upfront planning and documentation, with little room for changes once development begins. While it offers clear project milestones and well-defined deliverables, its rigid structure can lead to longer development cycles and limited flexibility to accommodate changing requirements. Despite its limitations, waterfall remains suitable for projects with stable requirements and where predictability and detailed documentation are paramount.